
Same meaning as landscaper but obviously more descriptive and understandable.

We hired an excellent landscraper to redo our yard.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • landscraper — n. An imposingly long building, particularly one that houses a commercial enterprise, such as a factory or hotel. Also: land scraper. Example Citations: To put up almost a mile of space age, super luxury grandstand, including a four block, 11… …   New words

  • landscraper — Same meaning as landscaper but obviously more descriptive and understandable. We hired an excellent landscraper to redo our yard …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Garage Mahal — (guh.RAZH muh.hawl) n. A large or opulent garage or parking structure. Also: garage mahal, garage mahal. Example Citations: Baylor s $ 15 million parking garage, with steeples and towers, has been called Garage Mahal and will house a Starbucks.… …   New words

  • Housing and Architecture — advertecture appraisal mill architectural myopia architourist BANANA barkitecture big hair house …   New words

  • McMansion — (muhk.MAN.shun) n. A large, opulent house, especially a new house that has a size and style that doesn t fit in with the surrounding houses. Example Citation: In a world of bloated S.U.V. s and rambling McMansions, there are times when smaller is …   New words

  • big hair house — (BIG.hayr hows) n. A house that has a garish style and that is overly large compared to its lot size and to the surrounding houses. Example Citation: Yet the newest residential rage in Dallas is the antithesis of the traditional neighborhood: the …   New words

  • big-box store — n. A large format store, typically one that has a plain, box like exterior and at least 100,000 square feet of retail space. big boxing pp. Example Citation: Manufacturers such as RCA and Sony, which used to depend on department stores to get… …   New words

  • farmscraper — n. A high rise building used for growing crops. [Blend of farm and skyscraper.] Example Citations: More radical still is an idea that has environmentally minded architects worldwide in a tizz. Farmscrapers may become the solution to a bulging… …   New words

  • mansionization — (man.shun.eye.ZAY.shun) n. The tearing down an existing house and replacing it with one that is bigger, especially one that is much larger than the surrounding houses. Example Citation: Today, if Goldilocks were to visit 21st century America, she …   New words

  • megashed — n. A massive store or distribution warehouse, particularly one with a plain or unattractive exterior. Also: mega shed. Example Citations: A new word has entered the vocabulary of environmental protest: megashed. A well organised stop the shed… …   New words

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