
Word submitted to that actually already exists.

Um... I hate to break this to you, but penile is a non-nonword.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • non-nonword — Word submitted to that actually already exists. Um... I hate to break this to you, but penile is a non nonword …   Dictionary of american slang

  • nonword — /non werrd /, n. 1. a word that is not recognized or accepted as legitimate, as one produced by a spelling or typographical error. 2. a word whose meaning or use is not approved in a given circumstance: Failure is a nonword in her vocabulary.… …   Universalium

  • nonword — /non werrd /, n. 1. a word that is not recognized or accepted as legitimate, as one produced by a spelling or typographical error. 2. a word whose meaning or use is not approved in a given circumstance: Failure is a nonword in her vocabulary.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • nonword — non•word [[t]nɒnˈwɜrd[/t]] n. cvb a meaningless word or one that is not recognized or accepted as legitimate • Etymology: 1960–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • non-word — noun Any sequence of letters that is not a word. <!2000, Zevin and Joanisse, Orthographic and Metrical Cues to English Stress We used a nonword naming task to examine how English speakers assign stress to novel phonological forms. Ant: word …   Wiktionary

  • Speech repetition — Children copy with their own mouths the words spoken by the mouths of those around them. This enables them to learn the pronunciation of words not already in their vocabulary. Speech repetition is the saying by one individual of the spoken… …   Wikipedia

  • Dyslexia — This article is about developmental dyslexia. For acquired dyslexia, see Alexia (acquired dyslexia). Dyslexia Classification and external resources ICD 10 R48.0 ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Reading (process) — Reading is a multi dimensional cognitive process of decoding symbols for the purpose of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and/or constructing meaning. Written information is received by the retina, processed by the primary visual cortex,… …   Wikipedia

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