1) Abbreviated text for Oh my God. To be used either in P2P text communications or spoken aloud as a three letter sequence.

OMG! I can't believe they're putting the Simpsons on two times a week next season.

2) Used on the internet. The word is used only by dumb teenage girls with 69 in their screenames. For Oh, My God! ya know...that guy I saw online, I sent him an AIM, he is soooo hott.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • omg! — front page URL Commercial? Yes Type of site Celebrity gossip news …   Wikipedia

  • OMG-Z — Developer(s) Laughing Jackal Publisher(s) Laughing Jackal Platform(s) …   Wikipedia

  • OMG — may refer to: Oh My God, Oh My goodness, or Oh My Gosh, a common abbreviation used in SMS and Instant Messaging omg!, a celebrity news and gossip Web site run by OMG! Magazine, a news, entertainment and lifestyle magazine serving gay,… …   Wikipedia

  • OMG — OMG  аббревиатура: Oh My God! (о боже мой!)  общеупотребительное сокращение англицизм при текстовом общении. omg! (англ.)  сайт компании Yahoo!, посвящённый новостям и слухам о знаменитостях. Object Management Group (Группа… …   Википедия

  • OMG — Bendroji  informacija Rūšis: naujai skolinta santrumpa Kalbos dalis: jaustukas Kilmė: anglų, OMG (Oh My God). Pateikta: 2011 11 26. Atnaujinta: 2014 01 05. Reikšmė ir vartosena Apibrėžtis: angliška santrumpa, vartojama elektroninėje… …   Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenynas

  • OMG — es una sigla que puede significar: Object Management Group Organismo Modificado Genéticamente «OMG», canción de Usher. Otros sentidos Oh My God ( Oh Dios mío u Oh mi Dios en español) es una expresión inglesa de asombro, abreviada en chats y foros …   Wikipedia Español

  • OMG —   [Abk. für Object Management Group, dt. »Objektverwaltungsgruppe«], eine 1989 gegründete, nicht profitorientierte, herstellerübergreifende Organisation mit Sitz im amerikanischen Needham in Massachusetts und verschiedenen internationalen Büros.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • OMG — (Object Management Group) (Internet) consortium of software vendors that promotes the use of Object Oriented software in applications Oh my God!; Oh my goodness!; Oh my gosh! (Internet abbreviation used in chat rooms and email correspondence) OMG …   English contemporary dictionary

  • omg — Internet chat abbreviation of oh my God, by 1994. (Earlier in computerese it meant Object Management Group, 1989, a consortium which helped pave the way for the modern Internet.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Omg! — Infobox Website name = omg! caption = omg! front page url = commercial = Yes type = Celebrity gossip news language = English registration = owner = Yahoo! News author = Yahoo! News launch date = June 11, 2007 current status …   Wikipedia

  • OMG — Die Abkürzung OMG steht für: Object Management Group, ein internationales Konsortium, das Standards für die objektorientierte Programmierung entwickelt Oh mein Gott (engl.: Oh my God oder Oh my goodness), Ausdruck des Netzjargons Oh! My Goddess,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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