
Used to work once, but is now completely broken beyond repair (generally for no apparent reason).

Q: Why isn't the server working? A: No idea. It's completely funted.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • funted — Used to work once, but is now completely broken beyond repair (generally for no apparent reason). Q: Why isn t the server working? A: No idea. It s completely funted …   Dictionary of american slang

  • funt — 1) funt, funted, funting The skill used and the process of HUNTING for FUNDS. I have to funt before the proposal is submitted. 2) The middle section (where it gets skinny) of an hourglass. The funt is blocked and the sand cannot get through …   Dictionary of american slang

  • funt — 1) funt, funted, funting The skill used and the process of HUNTING for FUNDS. I have to funt before the proposal is submitted. 2) The middle section (where it gets skinny) of an hourglass. The funt is blocked and the sand cannot get through …   Dictionary of american slang

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