
To pocket, impocket. OED says: a burlesque word put into the mouth of a fool. Applied as a perversion of impocket, and perhaps intended to suggest petticoat.

Used only once by Shakespeare, in Twelfth Night: I did impeticos thy gratility.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • impeticos — /im petˈi kos/ (Shakespeare) transitive verb A word coined by the fool in Twelfth Night II.3, perhaps meaning ↑impocket, or perhaps to bestow on (the wearer of) a petticoat …   Useful english dictionary

  • impeticos — v. To pocket, impocket. OED says: a burlesque word put into the mouth of a fool. Applied as a perversion of impocket, and perhaps intended to suggest petticoat. Used only once by Shakespeare, in Twelfth Night: I did impeticos thy gratility …   Dictionary of american slang

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