
A person lacking intelligence. Coined by Dilbert fans. Can be used to a foolish person's face without risking physical harm.

Me: You're quite an induhvidual, Tim.

Tim: Thank you.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • Induhvidual — A person lacking intelligence. Coined by Dilbert fans. Can be used to a foolish person s face without risking physical harm. Me: You re quite an induhvidual, Tim. Tim: Thank you …   Dictionary of american slang

  • induhvidual — n. A stupid person; a person who does or says something stupid. Example Citation: The deliciously ironic bit, though, was the comment from a Transit Workers Union representative who thought Muni drivers would experience less stress. These are the …   New words

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  • bozo explosion — n. The large number of inept employees that a company ends up with when it hires an incompetent executive, who in turn hires incompetent managers, who then hire incompetent workers. Example Citation: In the chapter about designing the original… …   New words

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