- lick\ tide
- n.The residual moisture left on one's face after an extremely wet, more like sloppy, kiss.
The blissful moment vanished as she realized she had left Pat's face awash with her lick tide.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
The blissful moment vanished as she realized she had left Pat's face awash with her lick tide.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
lick\ tide — n. The residual moisture left on one s face after an extremely wet, more like sloppy, kiss. The blissful moment vanished as she realized she had left Pat s face awash with her lick tide … Dictionary of american slang
Venice, Los Angeles, California — Venice is a district in western Los Angeles, California. It is known for its canals, beaches and circus like Ocean Front Walk, which features performers, fortune tellers and vendors. [ [http://www.pps.org/great public spaces/one?public place… … Wikipedia
Venice, Los Angeles — Venice Neighborhood of Los Angeles Venice Beach and Boardwalk … Wikipedia
Roanoke, Virginia — For the metropolitan area, see Roanoke metropolitan area. For unsuccessful colonization attempt, see Roanoke Colony. Roanoke, Virginia City … Wikipedia
Octoraro Creek — is a 22.1 mile long (35.6 km)[1] tributary of the Susquehanna River, joining it 9 miles (14 km) above the Susquehanna s mouth at Chesapeake Bay. The Octoraro rises as an East and West Branch in Pennsylvania. The East Branch and Octoraro … Wikipedia
Refused — est un des groupes les plus significatifs et reconnus de la scène punk hardcore scandinave. Ce groupe suédois s est formé en 1991 autour du chanteur Dennis Lyxzén, des guitaristes Jon Brännström et Kristofer Steen, du bassiste Magnus Höggren et… … Wikipédia en Français
ness — ness·ber·ry; ness·ler·iza·tion; ness·ler·ize; ness·ler s; new·fan·gled·ness; new·ness; news·i·ness; nice·ness; nig·gard·li·ness; nig·gard·ness; nigh·ness; nip·pi·ness; no·ble·ness; nois·i·ness; non·cha·lant·ness; north·er·li·ness; north·ness;… … English syllables
success — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Favorable termination Nouns 1. success, successfulness; good fortune, luck, run of luck; prosperity; accomplishment (see completion); one s finest hour. 2. (financial success) great success, land office… … English dictionary for students
List of rock instrumentals — The following is a list of rock instrumentals, including live performances and drum solos, organized by artist name. 0 9 =3= *Bramfatura =311= * Blizza * Cali Soca * Color ( Transistor ) * Dreamland ( Enlarged to Show Detail 2 ) * Old Funk *… … Wikipedia
Georgia Southern Eagles football — NCAAFootballSchool TeamName = Georgia Southern Football ImageSize = 163 HeadCoachDisplay = Chris Hatcher HeadCoachLink = Chris Hatcher HeadCoachYear = 2nd HCWins = 8 HCLosses = 5 HCTies = Stadium = Allen E. Paulson Stadium StadCapacity = 18,000 + … Wikipedia