oojamaflip — noun Something that one does not know the name of. Have you got an oojamaflip for tracing system calls that you could use? Syn: gizmo, whatchamacallit, whatshumacallit, thing, thingamabob, thingamajig, thingy … Wiktionary
oojamaflip — Another word for thingy, whatsit, or dooverlackie. Commonly used to refer to the TV remote control. This show s a rerun you got the oojamaflip? No, I think it s fallen down between the cushions … Dictionary of american slang
oojamaflip — [ u:dʒəməflɪp] noun informal something that one cannot or does not want to name. Origin early 20th cent.: of unknown origin … English new terms dictionary
Placeholder name — Placeholder names are words that can refer to objects or people whose names are either temporarily forgotten, irrelevant, or unknown in the context in which they are being discussed. Whatchamacallit (for objects) and Whatshisname or Whatshername… … Wikipedia
fanny-toots — n British an unnamed or unnameable person, so and so. The term, recorded in Edin burgh in 2001, is a synonym for collo quialisms such as thingummybob and oojamaflip … Contemporary slang
whatsit — ▶ noun (informal) THING, so and so, whatever it s called; informal whatnot, doodah, what d you call it, what s its name, thingy, thingummy, thingamabob, thingamajig, oojamaflip; Brit. informal doings; N. Amer. informal doodad, doohickey … Useful english dictionary