- Whyever
- For whatever reason.
Whyever whyever isn't already a real word it should be - because whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, whomever, whichever, and however all are.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
Whyever whyever isn't already a real word it should be - because whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, whomever, whichever, and however all are.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
Whyever — For whatever reason. Whyever whyever isn t already a real word it should be because whatever, whenever, wherever, whoever, whomever, whichever, and however all are … Dictionary of american slang
whyever — adverb For whatever reason. Whyever you do it, just do it See Also: however, howsoever, whatever, whatsoever, whenever, whensoever, wherever, wheresoever … Wiktionary
whyever — why·ev·er … English syllables
whyever — hwīˈevə(r) also wī adverb : for whatever reason : why … Useful english dictionary
whenever — adverb a) At whatever time. Visit whenever you want to. b) When. Whenever you get into town, come by and see me. See Also: however, howsoever, whatever, whatsoever … Wiktionary
whatever — 1. adjective /ʍɒtˈɛvə,ʍɑtˈɛvɚ/ Unexceptional or unimportant; blah. All in all, I guess I shouldn t be complaining, but the rest of the show, imho, was very whatever ish. 2. interjection /ʍɒtˈɛvə,ʍɑtˈɛvɚ/ A holophrastic expression used… … Wiktionary
what for — Synonyms and related words: ass reaming, bawling out, castigation, chastening, chastisement, chewing, condign punishment, correction, cussing out, deserts, disciplinary measures, discipline, dressing, dressing down, excuse, explanation, ferule,… … Moby Thesaurus
wherefore — Synonyms and related words: accordingly, after all, after which, all things considered, argument, because of that, because of this, before the bench, before the court, ceteris paribus, consequently, considering, ergo, everything being equal,… … Moby Thesaurus
why — Synonyms and related words: Chinese puzzle, argument, baffling problem, brain twister, conundrum, crossword puzzle, crux, enigma, enigmatic question, excuse, explanation, floorer, for which, for why, from what cause, ground, how come, jigsaw… … Moby Thesaurus
why|ev|er — «hwy EHV uhr», adverb. for whatever reason; why: »Laughter in your Church? Whyever not! (London Times) … Useful english dictionary