- Pone
- Someone of little or no value; an irritant; a bothersome person you can do nothing about.
That guy that keeps coming around and messing up my stuff ain't nothin' but a pone.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
That guy that keeps coming around and messing up my stuff ain't nothin' but a pone.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
Pone — (p[=o]n), n. [Of Amer. Indian origin.] A kind of johnnycake. [Written also {paune}.] [Southern U. S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pone — Po ne (p[=o] n[=e]), n. [L. pone, imper. of ponere to place.] 1. (a) An original writ, now superseded by the writ of certiorari, for removing a case from an inferior court into the Court of Exchequer. (b) An obsolete writ to enforce appearance in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pone — noun see CORN PONE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
pone — ☆ pone1 [pōn ] n. [Virginia Algonquian poan, appoans, apones] Chiefly South 1. corn bread in the form of small, oval loaves 2. such a loaf or cake pone2 [pō′nē] n. [< L pone, imper. of ponere, to place: see POSITION] Now Rare in various card… … English World dictionary
Pone — Pone, eine Speise aus Maismehl, Eiern, Schmalz, Salz, lauwarmer Milch u. Wasser, welche Mischung zu einem Teig gemacht u. in einer Pfanne gebacken wird … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pöne — (gr.), Strafe, Strafgöttin … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
pone — (n.) 1630s, American Indian bread, earlier appone, ponap (1610s), from Powhatan (Algonquian) apan something baked, from apen she bakes. Later used in Southern U.S. for any type of cornbread … Etymology dictionary
pone — cad·mo·pone; con·tra·pone; de·pone; dis·pone; in·ter·pone; lith·o·pone; post·pone; post·pone·ment; pro·pone; re·pone; me·tyr·a·pone; pone; … English syllables
Pone — Pour l’article homonyme, voir DJ Pone, membre de Birdy Nam Nam. Pone Nom Guilhem Gallart Naissance … Wikipédia en Français
pone — pone1 /pohn/, n. South Midland and Southern U.S. 1. Also called pone bread. a baked or fried bread usually made of cornmeal. 2. a loaf or oval shaped cake of any type of bread, esp. corn bread. [1605 15, Amer.; < Virginia Algonquian (E sp.)… … Universalium
ponė — põnė sf. (2) [K], ponė̃ (4) Zt; N, I žr. ponia: 1. Man põnė pasako, kab ateitų svečiuosna kas Zt. Užrašė Mykolo nabaštikas namą, põnė būs Krš. Ar esi kokia kuningė ar ponė?! A1885,18. 2. Dabar ponas im (į) põnę šneka LB232 … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language