
The reaction of a squeamish person to a source of fear.

When she saw all the blood, Mary started to squeam.

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  • squeam — The reaction of a squeamish person to a source of fear. When she saw all the blood, Mary started to squeam …   Dictionary of american slang

  • squeam´ish|ness — squeam|ish «SKWEE mihsh», adjective. 1. too proper, modest, or decent; easily shocked; prudish: »a squeamish old maid. 2. excessively fastidious or punctilious; too particular; too scrupulous: »Trifles magnified into importance by a squeamish… …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeam´ish|ly — squeam|ish «SKWEE mihsh», adjective. 1. too proper, modest, or decent; easily shocked; prudish: »a squeamish old maid. 2. excessively fastidious or punctilious; too particular; too scrupulous: »Trifles magnified into importance by a squeamish… …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeam|ish — «SKWEE mihsh», adjective. 1. too proper, modest, or decent; easily shocked; prudish: »a squeamish old maid. 2. excessively fastidious or punctilious; too particular; too scrupulous: »Trifles magnified into importance by a squeamish conscience… …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeam — ˈskwēm noun ( s) Etymology: back formation from squeamish : qualm …   Useful english dictionary

  • squeamish — squeam•ish [[t]ˈskwi mɪʃ[/t]] adj. 1) easily disgusted 2) fastidious or dainty 3) easily shocked; prudish 4) excessively particular or scrupulous as to the moral aspect of things • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME squemish, alter. (conformed to ish I) …   From formal English to slang

  • squeamish — squeam|ish [ˈskwi:mıʃ] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Anglo French; Origin: escoymous] 1.) easily shocked or upset, or easily made to feel sick by seeing unpleasant things 2.) the squeamish [plural] people who are squeamish ▪ His new novel is not for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Squeamish — Squeam ish (skw[=e]m [i^]sh), a. [OE. squaimous, sweymous, probably from OE. sweem, swem, dizziness, a swimming in the head; cf. Icel. sveimr a bustle, a stir, Norw. sveim a hovering about, a sickness that comes upon one, Icel. svimi a giddiness …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squeamishly — Squeamish Squeam ish (skw[=e]m [i^]sh), a. [OE. squaimous, sweymous, probably from OE. sweem, swem, dizziness, a swimming in the head; cf. Icel. sveimr a bustle, a stir, Norw. sveim a hovering about, a sickness that comes upon one, Icel. svimi a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Squeamishness — Squeamish Squeam ish (skw[=e]m [i^]sh), a. [OE. squaimous, sweymous, probably from OE. sweem, swem, dizziness, a swimming in the head; cf. Icel. sveimr a bustle, a stir, Norw. sveim a hovering about, a sickness that comes upon one, Icel. svimi a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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