
Hip-a-scrit. One who dumps on another (usually a celebrity) forever, but when said person (celebrity) becomes more mainstream and popular, the dumper suddenly loves her. Derived from the media's lovey-dovey reaction to former whipping-boy Ozzy Osbourne once his TV show became popular.

I remember when Newsweek ripped Ozzy to shreds, calling him devil-worshipper. Now they praise the realism of his show. What a bunch of hyp-Oz-scrits.

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  • hyp|o|crite — «HIHP uh kriht», noun. 1. a person who pretends to be very good or religious: »Woe be to those…who play the hypocrites, and deny necessaries to the needy (Qur an: Translation by Sale). Mr. Pecksniff was a hypocrite, even to himself (Dickens). 2.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hyp-Oz-crite — Hip a scrit. One who dumps on another (usually a celebrity) forever, but when said person (celebrity) becomes more mainstream and popular, the dumper suddenly loves her. Derived from the media s lovey dovey reaction to former whipping boy Ozzy… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • hyp·o·crite — …   Useful english dictionary

  • hyp — hyp·abyssal; hyp·acu·sic; hyp·algesia; hyp·al·lac·tic; hyp·apophysis; hyp·arterial; hyp·automorphic; hyp·axial; hyp·es·the·sia; hyp·na·ce·ae; hyp·na·gog·ic; hyp·nea; hyp·no·analysis; hyp·no·bryales; hyp·no·cyst; hyp·no·gen·e·sis;… …   English syllables

  • crite — eu·crite; na·crite; hyp·o·crite; …   English syllables

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  • hypocrite — hyp•o•crite [[t]ˈhɪp ə krɪt[/t]] n. a person who practices hypocrisy, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs • Etymology: 1175–1225; ME ipocrite < OF < LL hypocrita < Gk hypokritḗs a stage actor, hence one who plays a part,… …   From formal English to slang

  • hypocrite — hyp|o|crite [ˈhıpəkrıt] n someone who pretends to have certain beliefs or opinions that they do not really have used to show disapproval …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hypocrite — hyp|o|crite [ hıpəkrıt ] noun count a person who claims to have certain moral principles or beliefs but behaves in a way that shows they are not sincere …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • o — abi·o·log·i·cal; ab·o·li·tion; ab·o·li·tion·ary; ab·o·li·tion·dom; ab·o·li·tion·ism; ab·o·li·tion·ist; ab·o·li·tion·ize; ab·o·ma·sal; ab·o·ma·sum; ac·an·thol·o·gy; ac·an·thop·o·dous; acar·i·dol·o·gist; ac·a·ri·nol·o·gy; acar·i·o·sis;… …   English syllables

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