- bance
- A contraction of being and since.
Bance you're going to the store, bring me back a candy bar.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
Bance you're going to the store, bring me back a candy bar.
Dictionary of american slang with examples. .
Bance — is a Swedish, French and English surname. Notable people by the name of Bance include: *Aristide Bance, a Burkinabe football (soccer) player *Peter Bance, an author … Wikipedia
Bance — Bance, Inselgruppe an der Sierra Leoneküste; auf der gleichnamigen Insel dieser Gruppe, haben die Engländer große Waarenmagazine, u. dieselbe ist daher stark befestigt; die größte Insel der Gruppe heißt Tasso, s.d … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
bance — m. Cada uno de los palos sueltos que, atravesados a cierta distancia unos de otros y en sentido horizontal, sirven para cerrar los portillos de las fincas … Diccionario de la lengua española
Bancé — Aristide Bancé Spielerinformationen Geburtstag 19. September 1984 Geburtsort Abidjan, Elfenbeinküste Position Sturm Vereine als Aktiver1 Jahre Ver … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bance — This interesting and uncommon name has its origins in the medieval given name Benedict, from the Latin Benedictus , meaning Blessed , which was popular throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, due chiefly to the fame of St. Benedict (circa 480 550); … Surnames reference
bance — ► sustantivo masculino Cada uno de los palos horizontales que sirven para cerrar los portillos de una finca. * * * bance m. Cada uno de los palos horizontales con que se forma el cierre de un portillo en la cerca de una finca. ⇒ *Cancilla. * * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
bance — dis·tur·bance; rep·ro·bance; … English syllables
bance — A contraction of being and since. Bance you re going to the store, bring me back a candy bar … Dictionary of american slang
Bance Air — is a proposed start up airline based in London, United Kingdom. It was established in April 2006 and intends to operate scheduled international passenger services between London Heathrow Airport and India using a fleet of leased Boeing 777… … Wikipedia
bance — bombance … Dictionnaire des rimes