
A language spoken solely with the intent of communicating between two people - characterized by no regard to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, or other bothersome rules. See Manglophone.

If U ken compredays this then U already no what Menglish iz.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • Menglish — n. Language used of, by, to, and about men. Example Citations: Maybe I m getting wiser in my old age, or maybe I m just around men more often than I realize, but after recognizing the aforementioned language problem plaguing the genders, I ve… …   New words

  • Menglish — A language spoken solely with the intent of communicating between two people characterized by no regard to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, or other bothersome rules. See Manglophone. If U ken compredays this then U already no what Menglish …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Denglish — n. Speech or text that uses a mixture of German and English words. Example Citation: Many billboards have slogans in Denglish a mix of English and German. Ad posters for sleeveless jumpers call them tanktops . And Berlin s roadsweepers are… …   New words

  • Ebonics — n. Ebony + phonics. Another word for Black English, which the American Speech Language and Hearing Association now recognizes as a separate dialect with its own syntax and vocabulary. Related Words: antilanguage cryptolect ebonic poetry edubabble …   New words

  • Language (General) — Language General amphibological antigram antilanguage aptagram autological beforemath Bubbonics camouflanguage …   New words

  • Men and Women — alpha earner alpha girl alpha mom andrologist andropause arm candy bar code hairstyle booth bunny …   New words

  • Netspeak — n. The words, idioms, and pecularities of spelling and grammar that are characteristic of online documents and communication. Example Citation: Perhaps the next great movement in English literature will somehow be fuelled by the new phenomenon of …   New words

  • Weblish — n. A form of English peculiar to some online documents and communication, the characteristics of which include the use of all lowercase letters, infrequent punctuation, errors in spelling and grammar, and an informal tone. Example Citation: Just… …   New words

  • antilanguage — n. A collection of words and phrases used to exclude outsiders from a particular group and to disguise the group s activities. Example Citation: Mobspeak is a language that grows out of secrecy, and who can be more secret than the Mafia? The anti …   New words

  • cryptolect — n. A secret language. Example Citation: Unlike modern slang the ancient cant approaches the notion of a... cryptolect, as described by Ian Hancock. Altered by time, it retains a degree of currency in the British Isles and North America among… …   New words

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