
What a man or woman of the law is to someone who has been drinking.

Of course I would never dream of drinking and driving, ossifer. (hic)

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • ossifer — What a man or woman of the law is to someone who has been drinking. Of course I would never dream of drinking and driving, ossifer. (hic) …   Dictionary of american slang

  • ossifer — AND occifer [“asafa* ] n. a police officer. (Also an ill advised term of address.) □ Look here, ossifer, I was just having a little fun. □ Ask the occifer there if he wants to step outside and discuss it …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • ossifer — n a police officer. A facetious and/or pro vocative deformation of the standard word, often said in imitation of the slurred speech of a drunk. It occurs all over the English speaking world …   Contemporary slang

  • rented lips — lips that mispronounce, lips that say strange words    Did I say ossifer? I meant officer! Excuse my rented lips! …   English idioms

  • mickey mouse ears — n. the two lights found on top of a police car. □ There were no mickey mouse ears, but the jerk inside looked like your average ossifer. □ I could see the outline of the mickey mouse ears on the blue and white behind me …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • occifer — Go to ossifer …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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