
A geriatric, trundling motion, devoid of any other deliberation bar that of the need to get to B from A.

Old Mrs Watts palked across the zebra crossing to fetch her pension.

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • Palk — Palk, estrecho de …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • palk — palk(e erroneous form of pakke, pack n.1 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Palk — Tound under the early records as Palke, Palk, Polk, Pohlke, and even Puleque, this very unusual name is National and derives from Polska , meaning the man from Poland . The origin is Slavonic and is a shortened form of Bole , meaning great and… …   Surnames reference

  • Palk Strait — The Palk Strait is a strait that lies between the Tamil Nadu state of India and the island nation of Sri Lanka. It connects the Bay of Bengal to the northeast with the Gulf of Mannar to the south. The strait is 40 to 85 miles (64 137 km) wide.… …   Wikipedia

  • Palk Strait — ▪ strait, Bay of Bengal       inlet of the Bay of Bengal, between southeastern India and northern Sri Lanka and bounded on the south by Pāmban Island (India), Adam s (Rama s) Bridge (a chain of shoals), and Mannar Island (Sri Lanka). The strait… …   Universalium

  • palk — A geriatric, trundling motion, devoid of any other deliberation bar that of the need to get to B from A. Old Mrs Watts palked across the zebra crossing to fetch her pension …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Palk Strait — geographical name strait 40 miles (64 kilometers) wide between N Sri Lanka & SE India connecting Gulf of Mannar & Bay of Bengal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Palk, estrecho de — ► Brazo del océano Índico en el SO del golfo de Bengala. Separa el SE de la India del NO de Sri Lanka …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • PALK'S STRAIT —    the channel which separates Ceylon from the mainland of India, 100 m. long and 40 m. wide, generally shallow.    See ADAM S BRIDGE …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Palk Strait — /pɔk ˈstreɪt/ (say pawk strayt), /pɔlk/ (say pawlk) noun a channel between southern India and northern Sri Lanka. About 64 km wide …  

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