
(buh.LIJ.uh.rat.eye) n. Writers and other members of the intelligentsia who advocate war or imperialism.
Posted on May 31, 2002 by Paul McFedries, the Word Spy.

How the war fevers raged in those days after Sept. 11. The nation's syndicated belligerati were beside themselves. Columnist Michael Kelly flayed the unconscionable pacifists as pro-terrorist and evil. Charles Krauthammer argued for bombing an enemy city, anywhere.

-Michael Powell, An Eminence With No Shades of Gray, The Washington Post, May 5, 2002

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  • belligerati — (buh.LIJ.uh.rat.eye) n. Writers and other members of the intelligentsia who advocate war or imperialism. Posted on May 31, 2002 by Paul McFedries, the Word Spy. How the war fevers raged in those days after Sept. 11. The nation s syndicated… …   Dictionary of american slang

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