stunned\ mullet — smeone who is looking at you with a total lack of comprehension, somebody who is on another planet I told them that tragedy and tragic are not the same, but they just looked at me like a roomful of stunned mullets … Dictionary of american slang
Stunned mullet — one s mind is off, thinking about something else, dazed … Dictionary of Australian slang
stunned mullet — Australian Slang one s mind is off, thinking about something else, dazed … English dialects glossary
stunned mullet — n Australian (the facial expression of) a gormless, slow witted or stupid person. The phrase is common in Australian speech and was used in Parliament by the Pre mier Paul Keating, among others, when describing the supposedly vacuous expression… … Contemporary slang
mullet — like a stunned mullet Dazed, confused, bewildered. The phrase, first recorded in the 1950s, alludes to the goggle eyed stare (and sometimes gaping mouth) of a fish that has been recently caught and made unconscious. A person typically looks like… … Australian idioms
stunned — /stʌnd/ (say stund) verb 1. past tense and past participle of stun. –adjective 2. Originally World War I Colloquial drunk; inebriated. –phrase 3. like a stunned mullet, Colloquial a. in complete bewilderment or astonishment …
Like a stunned mullet — 1. in complete bewilderment or astonishment; 2. in a state of inertia … Dictionary of Australian slang
like a stunned mullet — Australian Slang 1. in complete bewilderment or astonishment; 2. in a state of inertia … English dialects glossary
William Robinson (artist) — William Robinson AO (born 1936 in Brisbane) is an award winning Australian painter and lithographer. Robinson studied art at the Central Technical College from 1955 to 1956. After graduating, he began working as an art instructor, eventually… … Wikipedia
John Forbes (poet) — John Forbes (September 1, 1950 January 23, 1998) was an Australian poet.LifeJohn Forbes was born in Melbourne, Australia, but during his childhood his family lived in northern Queensland, Malaya and New Guinea. He went to Sydney University and… … Wikipedia