grixxle,\ grixxxle,\ ....

grixxle,\ grixxxle,\ ....
Being in a state of complete and utter disgust for yourself, those around you, and life in general.
The numbers of Xs the word is spelled with indicates the degree of grixxled-ness. The more Xs, the more hate for life).

Today, Abbe crashed her car, spilled food on her favorite shirt, and slept through class. She's super grixxxled. {I.e., she's grixxxxxxxxxxled.}

Dictionary of american slang with examples. .

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  • grixxle,\ grixxxle,\ .... — Being in a state of complete and utter disgust for yourself, those around you, and life in general. The numbers of Xs the word is spelled with indicates the degree of grixxled ness. The more Xs, the more hate for life). Today, Abbe crashed her… …   Dictionary of american slang

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